Hey everyone, some cool news today! I will be presenting The Choice at the conference organized by Shameless Magazine - the Talking Back Feminist Media Conference here in Toronto, this Saturday.

It will be great to meet people with a similar perspective, even if there is probably a lot of differences between us in how we understand #feminism. Which is great and I am very eager to dive into the talks with other feminists! Do you know how often I had to explain why making The Choice is so important, why even talking about abortion is so important? And people sort of agree, but sometimes look at me like I am some green little guy from Mars... And if only this... 🤣
So I am very happy to be presenting in the crowd that definitely understands the issue, the need to talk about it, and the threat of removing the access both here in Canada, in the US, and other countries. I will be very happy to hear some feedback, advice, to see how people outside of the VR bubble react to my creative vision and goals of the project. We, of course, have great people supporting us within the reproductive rights circles, like Abortion Rights Coalition Canada, Abortion Conversation Projects, Exhale Pro Voice, and more, but as I want this project to be used by advocates and create a true social impact - I am always very curious how people will react to it and if it will inspire and help them with their work.

I also hope to find some help with spreading the message about The Choice further within the feminist circles - we need people to learn about what we do. There will be some recordings of the presentations, so I hope we will be able to share some later.
The conference takes part during the whole weekend and we will be there with Tom for the both days, with The Choice set as an installation. So if you want to try it in #VR headset - definitely come by and check it!
I am also giving a 30-min. presentation about it at 1:15 pm on Saturday if you want to hear about the origins of the project, my approach and vision, creative process and more.
I very much hope to see you there!